Online forms down tonight - Friday 7 February.
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East Dunbartonshire Sports Council (Sport ED) is powered by a group of volunteers representing a variety of sports and organisations throughout the area.


The aim is to provide local clubs with a forum to influence and assist the development of local sport and physical recreation.

As well as supporting coaches and talented sports performers with grants, Sport ED also shares information and resources with local clubs, and provides networking opportunities.

How can we help your sports club?

Coach Education Grants are available for all coaching/officiating courses, Grants are awarded in the following categories:

Modules, CPD, child protection, first aid, etc      25% of course fee up to a maximum of £50 (per person)
Level 1 (assistant coach) 50% of course fee up to a maximum of £75 (per person)
Level 2 (club coach) 75% of course fee up to a maximum of £100 (per person)
Level 3 (senior coach) 100% of course fee up to a maximum of £150 (per person)

Talented Sports Performer (TSP) grants are also available in the following categories:

Name of Grant


Level of Award

Sports Award Scheme

Must be current Scottish or British Champion or Scottish or British squad members

Up to £200

Leg-up Award

For those at district/regional level aiming for national squads

Up to £100


We can also help you to:

  • Share information and resources with other local clubs and learn from their experiences
  • Make important local connections with Active School Co-ordinators, Elected Members, Sports Development Officers, etc.
  • Keep up-to-date with developments in various local, regional and national organisations e.g. sportscotland, etc.

Who are we?

East Dunbartonshire Sports Council (Sport ED) was formed in 1996 and is made up of a group of volunteers representing a variety of sports and organisations throughout the area. The Executive Committee is elected each year at the AGM and consists of up to 14 members of local sports clubs and two elected members. The office bearers on the Executive Committee are:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary – provided by East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust
  • Grants Convenor
  • Treasurer – appointed by East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust

Club or individual affiliation form

The aim of Sport ED is to provide local sports clubs with a forum to influence and assist the development of local sport and physical recreation.

Grant Awards