Online forms down tonight - Friday 7 February.
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EDLC offers a range of pitches in locations across East Dunbartonshire - for 5, 7 and 11 a-side football games.


Our pitches can be booked as a serial let or for a one-off game.

All clubs wishing to use playing fields under the control of EDLC Trust will be required to have registered their club in advance.

You can download the Club Registration form below and return to the following address. 

Football Bookings
Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre
Woodhead Park
G66 3DD


For telephone bookings please call 0141 578 8403 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)


Timescales for cancellation are as follows:

  • Week day bookings - 48 hours' notification must be given
  • Weekend bookings - notification must be given no later than 5pm on the Wednesday before that weekend

Conditions of Letting

EDLC will not be held responsible for loss, damage or injury to any person(s) or property arising from the use of EDLC facilities.

  • Lessees are entitled to use only accommodation booked and approved.
  • Lessees will be held responsible for any damage caused to the facilities and fitments during the period of the let.
  • EDLC reserves the right to set and alter charges as and when deemed necessary.
  • Unless prior notification of cancellation is received by EDLC, the normal charge for the facility will apply.

For further details with regards to bookings and use of our pitches please refer to our letting terms and conditions.
